

Jun 24, 2016

China's 500 most valuable brands 2016: Yuchai is still the industry leader

Beijing, June 22. World Brand Lab, one of the threeglobal brand rating agencies has identified the 500 most valuable Chinesebrands. With a brand value of 28.2 billion, Yuan Yuchai ranks at the top of thecharts at number 103 and has increased its value by 4.9 billion Yuan over theprevious year. Continuously leading the brand ranking of the domestic industry,Yuchai also ranks first in values among all enterprise brands in GuangxiProvince.

Against the background of the “new norm” and the transformationand upgrading of the traditional manufacturing industry, the challenge to passthe threshold of the 500 most valuable brands is getting higher. ProfessorRobert Mundell, President of World Brand Lab and Nobel Prize winner said duringthe conference: "In 2004 the threshold was only 500 million Yuan and theaverage value of all top 500 brands was 4.9 billion Yuan. 2016, only 13 yearslater, the threshold is already at 2.3 billion and the average value is 26.5billion Yuan. This represents an increase of 437 percent. In spite of theeconomic slowdown and the general situation of overcapacity Yuchai increasedits brand value, which reflects the strong position of its products in themarket.

In 2016 the Yuchai Group will focus on change andinnovation, as well as the consolidation of quality and efficiency. From 2014to 2018 the strategic phase of the so-called "Rejuvenation"will encourage innovation and modernization, with the aim of expanding theinfluence of the brand Yuchai and transform traditional production to aservice-oriented manufacturing.

The World Brand Lab is an international brand researchorganization based in New York. Its Chairman, Robert Mundell, "Father ofthe Euro", is a Nobel laureate and professor at Columbia University. The WorldBrand Lab is a wholly owned subsidiary of the leading strategic consultingcompany the World Executive Group, and has consultants from top universitiessuch as Harvard and Yale, MIT, Stanford, Oxford and Cambridge, whose researchand evaluation of intangible assets is an important basis for a series ofmergers and acquisitions. The announcement of the 500 most valuable brands hasinternational recognition.

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